Linn's Plumbing Customer Reviews

  • Reviewed By: Kevin B.
  • Location: Wellston, OK
  • Your overall experience with our company.
  • How satisfied were you with our overall customer service?
  • How satisfied were you with our timeliness in completing the work?
  • How was your experience with the first phone call to the company?
  • Comment: Very impressed by the service provided by David and Konnor. They provided several pricing options for the job prior to starting and gave a comprehensive run-down of other services I asked about. No problem with the initial phone call; it lasted less than two minutes, Sissy provided available dates and times in the near future and they arrived when she said they would. They made sure the job was done right, cleaned up afterward and made sure my house was in the same condition in which it was found. Thanks again.
  • Overall Rating
Plumbing Done Right, Day or Night!
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